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"Live out of your imagination, not your history"

- 管理學大師 史蒂芬.柯維 (Stephen Covey)



In response to the future with decreasing energy and natural resources, researches on innovative energy technology will be the sole key to reverse such energy crisis and meet the new era of energy economy.

We are situated at the turning point, where only proactive innovative thinking and action can create a beautiful future.  Only innovative and advanced R&D in energy technology can initiate the epochal change of energy, create green industry, and push forward green business and green jobs.

Ministry of Economic Affairs has long been dedicated in advanced and innovative technologies in energy and will host the “2012 Energy Innovation and Strategy Summit” in Taipei, Taiwan to explore energy safety, low carbon economy, as well as policies in energy technology development.  Experts in world-leading institutions as well as experts in academia, industry, and government in Taiwan are invited to deliver speeches and discuss practical perspectives and policies. This symposium provides a platform to exchange views on the current status and future deployment for the concerned topics.

09:00~12:00 Session I
Low Carbon Energy & Economy

13:30~17:00 Session II Session III
Grid-Scale Electricity Storage The Green Energy Economic Policy and Market Development Under the Trend of Reducing Carbon Emissions

Session I - Low Carbon Energy & Economy
時間 Time 議程 Activity 講者 Speaker
09:00 ~ 09:35 報到 Registration
09:35 ~ 09:45 開幕致詞 Opening Remark
09:45 ~ 10:25 大師專題演講 I
Keynote Presentation I :
Future Energy Mix for Power Generation
Dr. Yoichi Kaya (茅陽一),
President, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth
10:25 ~ 11:05 大師專題演講 II
Keynote Presentation II :
Clean, Secure and Affordable Energy:
the Global Challenge
Dr. Jim Skea,
Research Director, UK Energy Research Centre
11:05 ~ 11:20 Networking Break
11:20 ~ 12:00 鼎談會-能源經濟新紀元
Panel Discussion
Dr. Ching-Yen Tsay
Dr. Yoichi Kaya,
Dr. Jim Skea,
Dr. Chao-kai Liu,
Dr. Chung-Huang Huang
12:00 ~ 13:30 午餐(台北國際會議中心)Lunch

Session II – Grid-Scale Electricity Storage
Time Activity Speaker Chairman
13:30 ~ 14:10 Keynote Presentation I :
Energy Technology Perspectives 2012:
Power System Flexibility and Role of Storage
Mr. David Elzinga,
Senior Researcher, International Energy Agency
莊世明 執秘
14:10 ~ 14:50 Keynote Presentation II :
Progress in Grid Energy Storage: Towards a Cleaner and more Efficient Grid
Dr. Imre Gyuk,
Program Manager for Energy Storage, U.S. Department of Energy
14:50 ~ 15:10 Networking Break
15:10 ~ 15:45 Presentation I :
Redox Flow Batteries
Dr. Karen Waldrip,
Sandia National Laboratory, U.S.A

劉振邦 副所長

15:45 ~ 16:20 Presentation II :
From Lithium Ion Battery to Lithium Air Battery
Dr. Haoshen Zhou,
Group Leader, Energy Interface Technology Group, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
16:20 ~ 16:55 Presentation III :
Electricity Storage Status and Future in Taiwan
Dr. Chang-Chung Yang,
Deputy Director, Green Energy and Environment Laboratories
16:55 ~ 17:00 Closing Remark 工業技術研究院
童遷祥 所長


Session III -
The Green Energy Economic Policy and Market Development Under the Trend of Reducing Carbon Emissions
Time Activity Speaker Chairman
13:30 ~ 14:10

Presentation I :
Low Carbon Development in Asia: 
Challenges and Opportunities

Ms. Barbara Finamore,
Senior Attorney and Director, Natural Resources Defense Council (NDRC)

蕭代基 研究員

14:10 ~ 14:50 Presentation II :
How to Navigate Global Emissions Trading
Mr. Jeff Swartz,
Director, International Policy, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
14:50 ~ 15:10 Networking Break
15:10 ~ 15:50 Presentation III :
The low carbon energy transition: Ambition and reality in the UK and the EU
Dr. Jim Skea,
Strategy Fellow, Research Council Energy Programme


15:50 ~ 16:30 Presentation IV : TBD

Dr. Chung-Huang Huang,
Vice President of Taiwan Research Institute

16:30 ~ 16:55 Panel discussion and Q&A Panelist:
Ms. Barbara Finamore,
Mr. Jeff Swartz,
Dr. Jim Skea,
Dr. Chung-Huang Huang,
Dr. Daigee Shaw
16:55 ~ 17:00 Closing Remark 中華經濟研究院
梁啟源 董事長
■ 時  間:2012年07月25日,星期三,09:00~17:00
■ 地  點:台北國際會議中心101CD(台北市信義路五段1號)
■ 洽詢專線:+886-2-8712-8866 分機320 鄭小姐
■ 傳真專線:+886-2-8712-0232
■ 參加方式:免費活動(請攜帶名片2張)

Date: July 25th , 2012 (Wed.) 09:00 - 17:00
■. Venue: TICC 101 (No.1, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City, Meeting Room 101)
TEL: +886-2-8712-8866 Ext.320 Ms.Cheng
FAX: +886-2-8712-0232
Entrance Fee: Free, Limited seat. Please bring two business cards while register.
Register: Register on line or Fax in the register form.
Deadline: July 20th (Fri.)
1. 報名截止日為7月20日(五)。若報名者不克參加,可指派其他人選參加。
2. 主辦單位保留報名資格之最後審核權利,並於活動前一天以email方式寄發「報到通知單」,以示您的參加資格。
3. 請於活動開始前進行報到。未能準時報到或當天無法出席之學員,本活動無法為您保留講義及座位。
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6. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留研討會課程及講師之變更權利。
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