With the network connection environment gradually maturing and the software and hardware platforms falling into place, most market players are increasingly turning to the Internet of Things (IoT) market as a major force for driving industry growth.
Entering the IoT era, application areas will include home, factory, traffic and retail, with solutions being as varied as wearable devices, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) equipment, and mobile cash registers, though most access will come through smartphone connectivity. By 2020, the market scale will top 10 billion end devices and the IoT application market value is expected to reach nearly US$2 trillion, according to Gartner.
As opposed to the previous PC and smartphone eras, the IoT era has not yet seen a big player dominate the market. Instead, close cooperation among links in the supply chain is a more common strategy for bringing successful solutions to market. The IoT supply chain includes three major segments – end devices, network and cloud. The end device segment includes end devices for person-to-person communication and device-to-device automatic network connectivity; the network segment refers to the communication channel needed for data collected by end devices to be sent onto the cloud; the cloud segment includes capacities to store, process, and analyze data.
Application services will also play a crucial role in the development of the IoT market. In addition to applications targeting the general public, IoT will enable more applications to be implemented in more vertical areas. For this type of vertical integration, having a complete understanding of the various supply chain partners will help accelerate the creation of IoT applications and enable field testing of concepts, services, and business models.
This forum is planned based on a starting point at the end device segment and then follow as the ecosystem extends to the cloud and network platforms. Leaders in related areas are invited to present on the latest development trends for end devices, IC design and sensors, with the innovative ideas presented enabling participants to get a better grasp of the most advanced related technologies and inspiring those who wish to enter the market for IoT applications and services.
Time | Agenda | Speaker |
09:00-09:20 | Registration | |
09:20-09:30 | Welcome Speech | |
09:30-10:10 | The Central Role of Wireless in the Internet of Everything | Qualcomm Technologies, Inc Senior Director, Marketing Michelle Leyden-Li |
10:10-10:50 | Enabling IoT with cellular | HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. Product Director Luis Barreto |
10:50-11:10 | Break Time | |
11:10-11:50 | Opportunities of IC design industry in the IoT era | MediaTek Deputy General Manager, Wireless Wearable Product Business Unit Yu-Chuan Yang |
11:50-12:30 | Opportunities in semiconductor chips in the IoT era | ThroughTek COO Willie Lin |
12:30-13:30 | Break Time | |
13:30-14:10 | QQ IoT's Vision - A Future of Limitless Connections | Tencent VP, QQ IoT Ahua Mao |
14:10-14:50 | Network's role under IoE- change of game industry rule and business model | Cisco Customer Solutions Architect Andy Hsiao-Shan Chien |
14:50-15:30 | IoT and Asia-Pacific electronic supply chain | DIGITIMES President Colley Hwang |
15:30 | Closing Speech | GSMA Managing Director, Asia Leland Lai |
Topic The Central Role of Wireless in the Internet of EverythingAbstract or Outline The Internet of Things is driving the next growth phase of our hyper-connected world – despite disparate viewpoints on what is needed for this trend to proliferate. This presentation will explore technologies, applications, and channels that can facilitate a diverse ecosystem; it will also introduce Qualcomm’s strategy for addressing a plethora of customer requirements with its unique blend of connectivity and intelligence solutions. URL:www.qualcomm.com Speaker’s Bio Michelle Leyden Li, senior director of marketing for Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., leads global product marketing for Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors as well as segment marketing for automotive, and the internet of things. Michelle has close to twenty years of marketing and business development experience in the semiconductor and mobile industries. Prior to her role at Qualcomm, Michelle spent over 10 years at Intel where she defined and launched the Centrino Processor product line and lead business development for Intel’s Digital Health Group. Michelle has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at Purchase, a Master of Business Administration Degree from U.C. Davis and a Juris Doctorate from King Hall School of Law, U.C. Davis. She is a member of the Society of Women Engineers, Women in Technology International (WITI), and the California State Bar Association. |
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Michelle Leyden-Li |
Topic Enabling IoT with cellularSpeaker’s Bio Luis Barreto is Product VP at Neul Hisilicon. He is responsible for the CIoT chipset and cloud products that will enable the mass adoption of connected things through mobile network operators. Luis started his career over 15 years ago at Rohde & Schwarz and Nokia R&D. After developing software put into >2 billion consumers hands, he lead the Nokia Systems and Standards team in 3GPP(RAN2) to define the HSPA+ and LTE technology that powers today’s smartphones. In 2010, Luis joined Renesas Mobile and became part of Broadcom in 2013, where as an Associate Technical Director he was responsible for HSPA+ and LTE technology development in the modem software. |
HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. Luis Barreto |
Topic 物联网时代下IC设计产业的机遇Abstract or Outline 随着微处理器变的更小, 更节能, 新一波超越智能手机的新型消费性产品如智能手表, 智能追踪器等陆续问世。作为全球领先IC设计厂商, 联发科技将和您分享我们对物联网市场发展的看法, 及我们为开发者所提供的服务。 |
联发科技股份有限公司 杨裕全 |
Topic 物联网时代半导体芯片的跨界整合商机Abstract or Outline Kalay平台拥有强大OS/SOC整合能力,提供灵活且弹性的云模块服务,专注消费型业务和企业型业务,一方面为这类企业的消费型智能产品提供专业的P2P(穿透技术)的连接服务,使其简单升级为智能产品,另一方面,其云平台上的提供数据交换、云端存储、设备管理、逻辑引擎、推送通知等模块化服务给企业带来一个全新的物联网体验。 Telephone: 0755-27702549 FAX:0755-29009532 E-Mail:willie_lin@tutk.com Speaker’s Bio 林世彰,现任职物联智慧TUTK营运长,主管公司整体经营管理、全球市场营销、公司产品战略规划等。曾就读于美国斯特雷耶大学(trayer University),主修Science Accounting硕士毕业。曾在鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(富士康)担任特別助理,拥有丰富的公司管理经验,具备高瞻远瞩的战略规化能力,致力于把云平台及服务、大数据分析及存储等物联网的新兴产物变成能够切实改善人们智慧化生活和工作为使命。 |
物联智慧科技(深圳)有限公司 林世彰 |
Topic QQ物联无限连接,无限想象Abstract or Outline 随着从PC互联网到移动互联网,再到物联网的发展,可联网设备呈爆发式增长,设备一旦联网将不仅仅使设备具备远程操控的能力,更使设备的属性随之发生很大的变化,设备也将更加智能化。QQ物联将在这场物联网的变化潮流中扮演重要的平台角色,不仅仅使接入QQ物联平台的设备具备远程控制及互联互动的能力,而且还为接入的设备提供丰富的数字内容和互联网服务,使这些设备快速智能化。QQ物联将促使硬件产业快速往前推进,通过平台将硬件与用户进行连接,也将硬件与服务进行连接。QQ物联与接入平台的硬件厂商与软件厂商及互联网服务提供商一起共建硬件生态圈。 Telephone: +86-13588418203 FAX: +86-755-860132021 E-Mail:ahuamao@tencent.com Speaker’s Bio 毛华,QQ物联智能硬件开放平台负责人 毛华于2009年创立杭州魔乐软件有限公司,并担任CEO带领团队推出魔乐手机助手软件,在短短2年时间内将产品用户扩展到千万量级,2011年公司被腾讯收购。加入腾讯后,曾先后主导并负责腾讯手机管家PC版和应用宝的产品规划与建设工作,带领团队实现产品用户量以及日APP分发量均过亿级。2014年起负责QQ物联智能硬件开放平台业务,并着手打造最具影响力的智能硬件开放平台。 |
腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司 毛华 |
Topic 万物互联下网路所扮演的角色 - 产业游戏规则与业务模式的改变Abstract or Outline 万物互联的意义在于连接人,物,数据及各种处理程序。这时网络的角色不再只是「把这些东西连起来」,而是在于「把这些东西有意义的连起来」。所以不再是传统概念里的「物联网」,只是把某个物件产生出来的信息,透过网络传给某个应用程序,或是由某个应用程序,透过网络将信息传给另一个应用程序,或是由应用程序,透过网络将信息传给人。 思科的万物互联概念,打破了这种由不同的「物」而造成的「数据孤岛」的现象,而是将网路当成信息收集,处理,分析,交付及储存的平台。任何一种「物」所产生的信息,经过网络的认证及授权后,可以经由网络交付给任何经过网络认证及授权的「人」,「物」,「处理程序」及「其他数据」。实现真正万物互联的世界。 思科在万物互联下提出了「雾计算」的概念。解决了在万物互联下:(1)「数据孤岛」造成数据过多的问题:任何「大数据」都解决不了「万物」所产生的数据,所以必须借由网路设备(边缘设备)所提供的「雾计算(雾计算)」能力,先行过滤,分析有效的数据,才能与「云计算」的大数据分析配合,来完成新的业务模式。 (2)「反应时间太慢」,造成不能及时回应的问题:数据的处理与回应,若只是靠「云计算」,往往会有反应不及时的问题,若能由「雾计算」在前端先作处理,可以解决反应时间的问题(3)「数据移动」下造成不能及时回应的问题:万物互联下的「万物」是会移动的,所以及时地分析管理数据是必要的,若能让网路来处理「移动的数据」,不但能及时反映,也能大量减少数据的流量。 除了雾计算的概念外,思科还提出了万物联网下「服务」交换的概念。简化了「云计算」交换服务的方法,能透过网路直接做「服务」的交换。也提出了在万物互联下如何审视网路的异常,在网络安全上提出见解。 E-Mail:hchien@cisco.com URL:http://www.cisco.com/web/CN/index.html Speaker’s Bio 钱小山先生,目前任职于思科系统公司,担任客户解决方案架构师,负责过电信业,政府及大型企业之网路及资料中心架构,包括 : IPv4/v6,MPLS,网络安全,QoS,资料中心虚拟化及云端运算之设计。 并负责过推行 IP NGN (新世代网络) 的架构及应用,主持 IP NGN (新世代网络 ) 系列研讨会,包括,新一代 SP (服务供应商) 的网路安全,服务交换,服务导向流量控制等,新一代路由技术,先进的网络管理,思科数据中心 3.0, 雾计算,服务传递,数据交付等在万物互联下的应用 。 目前主要负责万物互联下的智慧交通,智慧大楼,智慧城市,资料中心虚拟化及云端运算等的解决方案 在网路业27+年,经历括: 1984年中国文化大学土地资源系毕业,1986年青辅会程式设计班结业,1998年取得CCIE认证 |
思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司 钱小山 |
Topic 物联网与亚太电子供应链Telephone: +886-2-87128866 FAX:+886-2-87123366 E-Mail:colley.hwang@digitimes.com URL:http://www.digitimes.com.tw (Chinese web site) Speaker’s Bio 学经历
DIGITIMES Inc. 黄钦勇 |
Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is a world leader in 3G, 4G and next-generation wireless technologies. Qualcomm Incorporated includes Qualcomm’s licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of its patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of Qualcomm’s engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses, including its semiconductor business, QCT. For nearly 30 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other. For more information, visit Qualcomm’s website, OnQ blog, Twitter and Facebook pages.
联发科技是全球无晶圆半导体领导厂商,专注于提供无线通讯、无线连接、智能电视、DVD及蓝光等多个领域的系统芯片整合解决方案。联发科技领先开发出全球第一款真八核™ 4G LTE智能手机平台,所用的CorePilot™ 技术可将多核心移动处理器的性能发挥至最大。联发科技创意实验室(MediaTek Labs)的成立宗旨为创建产业生态系统,透过联发科技的产品支持,协助设备、应用及服务发展,实现“创造无限可能(Everyday Genius)”的愿景。联发科技总部设于台湾,且于全球各地设有分支机构。了解更多讯息,请浏览www.mediatek.com。
物联智慧股份有限公司成立于2008年,为专业的物联网云端服务平台解决方案商,积极致力于装置连接技术与云端服务平台的开发。创立初期,物联智慧专注于发展即插即用之消费型监控硬设备;随着物联网浪潮兴起,软件连接解决方案需求持续增加,物联智慧因具备丰富软硬件整合经验,于2012 年正式转型为物联网纯软件公司,提供专业的软件连接解决方案,2014年再进一步推出云端服务平台—Kalay云端服务平台。
"Kalay"是台湾兰屿原住民达悟族语言,意为"牵手",象征物联智慧以台湾为中心,牵手串联全世界,以领先业界的连接技术及云端服务串接各种装置。Kalay云端服务平台以优异的连接技术为基础,可横跨各式操作系统,再以灵活而有弹性的模块化服务,对企业型客户或主攻消费型产品客户都可提供定制化解决方案,无论是医疗照护、智慧建筑、零售、农业、安防监控、智慧家庭、个人云 存储、穿戴式装置等,都可透过Kalay平台实现智慧连接与云端应用服务。
Founded in November, 1998, Tencent has grown into one of China's largest and most used Internet service portal. Since its establishment over the last decade, Tencent has maintained steady growth under its user-oriented operating strategies.
It is Tencent's mission to enhance the quality of human life through Internet services. Presently, Tencent is providing value-added Internet, mobile and telecom services and online advertising under the strategic goal of providing users with "one-stop online lifestyle services". Tencent’s leading Internet platforms in China – QQ (QQ Instant Messenger), WeChat, QQ.com, QQ Games, Qzone, 3g.QQ.com, SoSo, PaiPai and Tenpay – have brought together China's largest Internet community, to meet the various needs of Internet users including communication, information, entertainment, e-commerce and others. As of Dec 31, 2012, the active QQ users accounts for QQ IM amounted to 798.2 million while its peak concurrent users reached 176.4 million. The development of Tencent has profoundly influenced the ways hundreds of millions of Internet users communicate with one another as well as their lifestyles. It also brings possibilities of a wider range of applications to the China’s Internet industry.
Cisco Systems, Inc. is one of the most successful corporations in the United States. Founded by two professors at Stanford University in 1984, the company manufactured the world’s first router in 1986, connecting different types of networks reliably and ushering in a communications revolution. Cisco invests more than $4 billion every year in technological research and development. Over the past two decades, Cisco has become synonymous with the terms “Internet”, “network application” and “productivity.” It is a market leader in every sector in which it is involved.
Since its IPO in 1990, Cisco’s revenue has grown from $69 million to $47.1 billion in FY'14. The company now has nearly 70,000 employees around the world. Cisco was ranked No.55 on the 2014 Fortune 500 list, and has been named the World's Most Admired Companies by the Fortune Magazine for many times.
Today, the company boasts the largest Internet business in the world, and over 90% of its global transactions are completed online. Cisco has a firm belief that Internet will change the way people work, live, play and learn, and will also allow numerous leading enterprises and their partners to benefit from a “globally networked economy”.
Cisco entered the Chinese market in 1994. At present, nearly 5,000 people are employed by the company in China, with jobs in sales, customer support and services, research and development, business operations, IT services outsourcing, financing and manufacturing. Cisco has set up 20 branch offices across China.
The Cisco Networking Academy program was introduced to China in 1998. As Cisco’s largest and longest lasting CSR program, the Cisco Networking Academy program combines effective classroom learning and innovative, cloud-based curriculums and teaching tools together to provide information and communication technology training. Up to 2013, there are nearly 400 networking academies, covering all the provinces across China, providing training for more than 2000 teachers, and also offering comprehensive courses of latest networking technologies to the students. Currently over 50 thousand students are studying in those academies, and 230 thousand students have graduated to date. The Cisco Networking Academy program as a key part of Cisco’s innovation and sustainable development strategy in China has not only accelerated Cisco’s localization in China, but also boosted the country’s strategy to grow through science and education.
DIGITIMES is the only electronics industry media which has both English and Chinese version website. DIGITIMES focus on providing worldwide B2B services with strong industry background covers Media, Marketing, and Consulting areas. DIGITIMES provides first-hand daily IT industry information, and is cited by global media outlets. DIGITIMES is the most powerful source and information platform for IT technology industry, investment or financial service providers.
Grand Shanghai Ballroom 1, Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai (1388 Hua Mu Road, Pudong)