
“萬物相聯”已經在我們的生活出現,與我們生活息息相關! 早上醒來,窗簾會自動打開,咖啡已經煮好;滑開手機查看前一晚的睡眠狀況;出門上班,門自動上鎖並啟動保全,這樣的智慧生活已從概念變成現在進行式。2017台北國際電腦展已完美落幕,物聯網多元化應用在展場中處處可見,其中包含了智慧家庭、穿戴式裝置、健康照護等等各種解決方案,為目前的科技產業發展下了最佳的註解。然而,要更強化更高品質的智能生活,除了5G 通訊技術扮演重要關鍵角色之外,在眾多無線通訊技術中,WiFi 技術獨領風騷,BlueTooth和LoRa, SigFox等通訊技術各霸一方, 以這些無線技術為基礎的各種智慧應用,預計將驅動數位經濟時代的全面來臨。

Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司在測試驗證市場居領導性地位,並積極地扮演通訊和物聯網產業把關者的角色,提供全方位一站式智能生活的無線裝置(WiFi, LoRa, SigFox, BT)技術認證與其測試能量,以利協助客戶加速切入IoT市場。在IoT將蓬勃發展的同時,資訊安全亦成為另一個課題,Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司和安華合作針對網路的安全性推出資安檢測與其驗證,讓消費者能有安全且符合法規的產品。此外,無線充電技術有機會成為移動電力的新來源,Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司為了確保充電設備與可攜式電子產品的安全性及如何增強電池續航力,提供全面性安全檢測和相容性的保障,協助客戶提升市場競爭優勢。

Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司為了讓客戶洞察最新技術並掌握5G與物聯網商機,將於2017年7月13日 在台北 大直維多麗亞飯店舉辦 ”如何迎接5G行動寬頻與智能生活時代,智慧革命新技術” 研討會,會中結合了各界領導精英,隆重邀請到Wi-Fi聯盟大中華區總監黃家瑞介紹智能生活的發展, 安華聯網提供資訊安全威脅與攻擊手法相關訊息,中華電信來探討各項5G技術之開發與佈局以及Wireless Power Consortium主席Jan-Willem Vonk 分享無線充電將成為無線產品主要亮點;Bureau Veritas CPS 事業部全球行銷總監 Chris Baird 也將來台針對物聯網應用市場趨勢做全方位探討 以及多位專家們分享一系列的相題主題包括無線裝置通訊技術和無線充電Qi與電池續航力,內容精闢,讓與會人士能掌握趨勢和技術,搶進智慧產業商機。

研討會現場您也可以同時體驗Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司 360度最具科技感實驗室 VR 實境場景, 帶您步入極致的感官之旅。


"Everything is connected" becomes a working reality! The new technology surely benefits to our daily life with more conveniences, for example, the curtain will be drawn automatically in the morning while you wake up; the smartphone tells you how’s the sleeping quality for personal heath caring consideration; the home security system is automatically turned on while detecting no one at home. Moreover, there were varied IoT related applications and products showcased in the COMPUTEX 2017 those filled with wearable devices, smart healthcare, smart life, and all kinds of innovative solution. In order to optimize and enhance the quality of smartworld related products, the new technology of 5G has playing a significant role together with other wireless connectivity technology requirements such as WiFi, LoRa, SigFox, BlueTooth those leading us to easily achieve ideally SmartLiving and driving us a breakthrough into the digital era.

Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan is a global leading organization in testing, inspection, and certification, playing an important role for the issuance of type approval certificate for Electrical and Electric products for years, offering a comprehensive "one-stop" testing and certification solutions of all kind of connectivity technologies for wireless devices in order to support our clients enhance their market competitiveness and faster access IoT/Smartworld marketplace. With the increasing popularity of IoT related devices, serious concerns are emerging associated with the information security, in order to beter safeguard consumer’s personal information and privacy, Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan partners with Onward Security to offer the professional service for information security assessment to serve network product vendors to increase the product security and stability, moreover, the wireless charging and battery life extending technologies are unfolding to become crucial topics for all wireless devices. Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan also be providing executive insights covering Qi compliance testing solution and latest battery life extending challenges with practical guidelines in relation to regulatory and performance.

Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan will hold a seminar “Embracing 5G Mobile Communications & Technology for a Smarter World“ in Taipei Grand Victoria hotel on July 13, 2017, during the event, we will be discussing with you the latest technical requirements and market trend. We gather many professionals from varied leading organizations such as WiFi Alliance, Chunghwa Telecom, Onward Security Corp. and Wireless Power Consortium to discuss their practical experiences for upcoming market trend covering 5G implementation challenges, smart living technology development, IoT & Networks information security and wireless charging topics. As a global leader in TIC solutions for the Smartworld, Bureau Veritas CPS Global Marketing Director - Mr. Chris Baird will also come to Taiwan to introduce how Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan is well positioned to support our clients with both traditional and new requirements, other Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan skilled experts will also present the executive insights covering the latest industry and IoT / Smartworld challenges with practical guidelines in relation to regulatory, connectivity, interoperability, battery life and wireless charging ; through participating in the seminar, you can interact with our industry expert to discover more detailed information about Smart Living.

We also additionally offer to the seminar attendees an Virtual Reality (VR) experience, you can explore our modern wireless laboratories virtually covering SAR, EMC, OTA and RF testing chambers.



時間 Time 主題 Topic 主講人 Speaker
9:00~9:20 報到/ Registration
9:20~9:30 研討會介紹
孫富樂 Elio Sun
協理 Director
Bureau Veritas CPS E&E
Focus on the Trend of Smart Home, Smart Phone, Connected People, Connected Car Market Segment toward the New Era of Smart Living
Chris Baird
全球行銷總監 Global Marketing Director
Bureau Veritas CPS
10:20~11:10 電信業者5G 佈局快馬加鞭 迎接新挑戰
Telecommunication Carriers Speed up the Tactical Planning of Market Layout to Meet the New Challenge
11:10~11:30 茶敘/Tea Break
11:30~12:20 Wi-Fi 簡介:智能生活的發展
Wi-Fi Overview : Smart Living Development
黃家瑞 Jerry Huang
大中華區 總監 Greater China Region Director
Wi-Fi Alliance
12:20~13:20 午餐/Lunch
13:20~14:05 物聯網產品百花齊放 完全掌握無線裝置通訊技術(LoRa, SigFox, BlueTooth 5)
The IoT Market is Blooming! To Grasp at the Connectivity Technology of Varied Wireless Device (LoRa, SigFox, BlueTooth 5)
陳銘鴻 Elvis Chen
經理 Manager
Bureau Veritas CPS E&E
14:05~14:45 資安威脅拉警報! 你準備好了嗎?
Threats to Information Security is Alert, Are You Ready For It?!
洪光鈞 Morgan Hung
總經理 General Manager
Onward Security
14:45~15:00 茶敘/Tea Break
15:00~15:40 電池續航力加速崛起
The importance of Battery Life
蔡智任 Bob Tsai
主任 Supervisor
Bureau Veritas CPS E&E
無線充電成為無線產品主要重點 (QI Certification)
Wireless Charging to become major feature in wireless devices - QI Certification 
Jan-Willem Vonk
Chairman Qi Authorized Test Labs
Wireless Power Consortium
16:25~16:30 Q & A


Jerry Huang黃家瑞

Director, Greater China Region

Wi-Fi Alliance

Elvis Chen陳銘鴻

Manager 經理

Bureau Veritas CPS E&E

Morgan Hung洪光鈞

General Manager 總經理

Onward Security Corporation

Bob Tsai蔡智任

Supervisor 主任

Bureau Veritas CPS E&E

Jan-Willem Vonk

Chairman Qi Authorized Test Labs

Wireless Power Consortium


Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司 (Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Electrical & Electronic, Taiwan)

Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司(Bureau Veritas CPS E&E Taiwan)秉持著母公司悠久的企業聲譽及核心價值之「誠實守信」、「客觀公正」,致力提供客戶專業及完善的產品測試與驗證服務。 我們整合客戶所需的所有測試,提供”one stop shop(一站式)〞以提供最優質便利的服務給客戶,加速產品上市時間。身為客戶的企業夥伴,客戶的目標就是我們的目標,協助客戶創造更高產品經濟價值,建立更具信賴度的品牌,贏得更多市場競爭優勢,成為我們最高的使命,而我們在電子與電機產品領域中可提供超過170個國家的市場通路服務及提供更多類型的廠商,領先業界且更多元的CB (Certification Bodies) 認證方案。 主要服務項目包括:EMC (電磁相容) 、Smart Grid EMC (智慧電網/電磁相容) 、Safety (安規) 、RF (無線電、射頻) 、Mobile RF/EMC (行動通訊 無線電、射頻/電磁相容)、Telecom(電訊)、GCF/PTCRB、 Bluetooth(藍牙)、LoRa、WPC Qi、NFC Forum、Wi-Fi、OTA、電池、太陽能逆變器 (PV inverter)、數位電視、鐵道電子設備、NEBS、耗能相關產品生態化設計(ErP)、能耗等測試與驗證服務及化學測試方案。 服務產業範圍包含: 物聯網/ IT資訊設備、穿戴式裝置、影音、通訊、網通、手機、家電、照明、電動工具、電池、太陽能光電、無線電、無線電充電、工業、科學、醫療、雷射類等相關產業產品。 專業的客戶服務 (產品業務諮詢/技術服務支援) 為更提升客戶之競爭優勢及實踐以客戶需求為導向之宗旨,Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司將持續提供您快速、即時的客製化與顧問諮詢服務及有效的協助和解決方案。

About Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Division, Electrical & Electronic, Taiwan

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Division, Electrical & Electronic Business Line, Taiwan (BV CPS E&E Taiwan) values its parent company's long-standing corporate reputation and adheres to its core values of honesty, trustworthiness, objectivity, and impartiality. We are committed to provide our clients with the most professional and comprehensive product testing and certification services. We provide clients with integrated, comprehensive “one-stop” testing services to avoid duplication of tests and to speed up the time-to-market of our clients’ products. As a partner to our client, client’s goal is our goal. Our most important mission is to help clients create products with higher economic values, establish brand names with greater reliability and achieve decisive competitive advantages in the market. In the area of electronics and electrical products, we provide market entry services for over 170 countries, and our ability to provide manufacturers in many fields with diverse CB (Certification Bodies). Our certification solutions are also leading the industry. Our main services include comprehensive electrical and electronic products certification & testing solutions for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), EMC Smart Grid, Safety, RF, Telecom, BlueTooth, GCF/PTCRB, Wi-Fi, OTA, WPC Qi, LoRa, Battery, Photovoltaic (PV inverter), Digital TV & Broadcasting, NEBS, Railway Electronic Devices, Eco-design of ErP and power consumption. Our "total solution" approach with a variety of capabilities helps clients shorten the time to market for their products including IoT / IT Equipment, wearable devices, audio / Video, mobile device, communications, wireless products, household products, battery, power supply products, wireless charger, lighting products and industrial, scientific and medic devices, and photovoltaic inverter.





  • 主辦單位:Bureau Veritas 立德國際商品試驗有限公司
  • 活動日期:2017年7月13日(星期四)
  • 會議地點:台北維多麗亞酒店Grand Victoria Hotel(台北市中山區敬業四路168號1樓C廳)
  • 參加費用:免費。當日請攜帶報到通知單與名片乙張即可。本活動採預先線上報名並完成登錄手續,主辦單位保留資格審核權,活動前將發送報到通知以示您的出席資格,請勿偽造他人身份資料進行報名以免觸犯法律。
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  • 洽詢電郵:seminar@digitimes.com
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