*Registration is open to nonmembers *Come with your business card
*The registration deadline¡Ð 18:00, 30th Sep. 2014 *Please check into the conference before 9:00
*Please fill out the application form in English *Conference language¡ÐEnglish, with English/Chinese simultaneous translation
*First Name:        *Last Name: *Gender: Male     Female
*Department: *Title/Position:
*Address: Country:
*Industry Sector: ,Other Sector:
*Telephone¡G + - - ext. Mobile Phone: +
Fax: + - - *Email:
*Program Participation: 09:00~12:15 (morning)
13:30~15:00 (afternoon)
09:00~15:00 (full day)
*Meal Preference: General     Vegetarian
*Event Information Obtain:
MOEA Overseas Office  Taiwan government units     Representative in Taiwan    
Foreign chambers of commerce     Media     Others, Please specify