近年來在全球各大ITS與資通訊展覽中,車聯網與智慧運輸已成為廠商爭相佈局的重點方向。同時,隨著智慧型手持式裝置的興起、感測元件與通訊技術演進,加上各國政府與各大車廠積極推動下,市場調查機構Transparency Market Research預期,屆時全球聯網汽車與智慧運輸產值可望突破1,319億美元規模。
In recent years, in the world's major ITS and information communication exhibition, intelligent transportation has become the target of manufacturers. At the same time, with the rise of smart wearable devices, sensing components and communications technology evolution, as well as governments and major car manufacturers actively promote, Transparency Market Research estimates that the global smart transport output is expected to exceed $ 131.9 billion.
而台灣與東南亞國家倚重2輪車為交通工具,根據台灣2013~2015交通事故統計資料,側撞(Side Crash)事故比例佔所有交通事故中的34.3%,側撞的車輛類型又以機車佔21.6%最高,小型車11.3%次之,而側撞事故發生地點絕大多數發生在十字路口上;有鑑於此,在台灣經濟部技術處支持下、財團法人資訊工業策進會智慧網通系統研究所(資策會智通所) 於今年六月與日本豐田IT開發中心合作,在「車聯網」及「自動駕駛」等相關議題上進行合作開發,希望解決社會大眾對於交通安全需求的車聯網應用服務。
Two-wheelers are one of the main transportation in Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries. According to Taiwan's 2013-2015 traffic accident statistics, side crash accounted for 34.3% of all traffic accidents. Side crash vehicle types: the motorcycle is the highest, accounting for 21.6%; the small car is the second, accounting for 11.3%. Side crash occurred mostly in the intersections, and we hope to improve traffic safety by this activity.
本次活動由資策會、TTIA、ITS Taiwan及高雄第一科技大學共同主辦「台日車聯網暨智慧運輸技術合作國際研討會」,邀請國內外專家學者與產業先進,希望藉此研討會探討迎向車聯網與智慧運輸新境界的趨勢、機會與挑戰,協助業界及廠商掌握關鍵應用與技術發展方向,以開發更符合市場與產業的新關鍵與創新技術及應用服務。
The “International Conference on Connected Car & Intelligent Transportation System” will be held by III, TTIA, ITS Taiwan, and NKFUST on November 25. Experts, industry, and the government related to ITS filed of Japan and Taiwan are invited as the speakers. The goals of seminar include trend discussion, opportunities and challenges of intelligent transportation. Then assist the industry and manufacturers to master the key applications, to develop more application services that meet market requirement.