
TICC台北國際會議中心 101會議室※現場備有同步口譯服務



本次活動特地邀請自駕車領域國際大廠,包含BOSCH、Velodyne Lidar 及SoftBank等重量級企業,談論自駕車技術演進與對人類生活影響。此外,同時邀請國內外知名廠商,與台灣企業分享自駕車關鍵零組件的生態與系統、AI解決方案;透過車聯網資安的技術發展及系統測試驗證規範,讓自駕車更安全無虞;以及5G與自駕車技術將驅動的各項新應用、MaaS發展等未來趨勢,為彼此的合作建構一個完整的交流平台。


09:30 ~ 09:40
09:40 ~ 10:20
Sustainable Mobility for People and Goods
Dr. Daquan Xu
Executive Vice President, Bosch China
10:20 ~ 11:00
Development and Challenges of LiDAR.
Mr. John Townsend
VP Technology, Policy, Velodyne LiDAR
11:00 ~ 11:20
Coffee Break
11:20 ~ 12:00
5G, Connected and autonomous cars and a new life
Dr. Hitoshi Yoshino
Deputy Director, SoftBank
12:00 ~ 13:30
Track A
Supply chain ecology
13:30 ~ 14:10
How can an all-electric supercar spark an opportunity for Taiwanese industry that will lead the next generation?
Fenix Huang
Operation Director, XING Mobility
14:10 ~ 14:50
Building Autoware Platform Ecosystem and Strategies
Tomohira Steve Kan
Director, Corporate Strategy Division, Tier IV
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 15:50
Building an Autonomous Driving Brain
Simon Teng
Assistant General Manager Automotive Division, MediaTek
Track B
Verification and security
13:30 ~ 14:10
Outlooks for a new autonomous driving world.
Robert Day
Director, Automotive Solutions & Platforms, ARM
14:10 ~ 14:50
Automated Vehicles - The new Cyber weapon?
Yoram Berholtz
Director Business Development, Argus Cyber Security
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 15:50
Catalonia Living Lab for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles.
Òscar Llatje i Hierro
Mobility & Road Safety Coordinator, Catalan Government
Track C
New development of services
13:30 ~ 14:10
Smart technology for Innovative Transportation Services
Willy Wu
GM ,Uber Taiwan
14:10 ~ 14:50
Mobility and the future shaped by 5G.
Kuen-Rong Lo
Director, Internet of Things Department Data Communications Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 15:50
The Future of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers Technology in Smart Mobility
Lman Chu
CEO & Cofounder, BiiLabs
15:50 ~ 16:30
Enjoy the self-driving technology, embrace the driverless life
San Huang
General Manager, Kingwaytek
Track A
Supply chain ecology
Track B
Verification and security
Track C
New development of services
13:30 ~ 14:10
How can an all-electric supercar spark an opportunity for Taiwanese industry that will lead the next generation?
Fenix Huang
Operation Director, XING Mobility
13:30 ~ 14:10
Outlooks for a new autonomous driving world.
Robert Day
Director, Automotive Solutions & Platforms, ARM
13:30 ~ 14:10
Smart technology for Innovative Transportation Services
Willy Wu
GM ,Uber Taiwan
14:10 ~ 14:50
Building Autoware Platform Ecosystem and Strategies
Tomohira Steve Kan
Director, Corporate Strategy Division, Tier IV
14:10 ~ 14:50
Automated Vehicles - The new Cyber weapon?
Yoram Berholtz
Director Business Development, Argus Cyber Security
14:10 ~ 14:50
Mobility and the future shaped by 5G.
Kuen-Rong Lo
Director, Internet of Things Department Data Communications Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
14:50 ~ 15:10
Coffee Break
15:10 ~ 15:50
Building an Autonomous Driving Brain
Simon Teng
Assistant General Manager Automotive Division, MediaTek
15:10 ~ 15:50
Catalonia Living Lab for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles.
Òscar Llatje i Hierro
Mobility & Road Safety Coordinator, Catalan Government
15:10 ~ 15:50
The Future of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers Technology in Smart Mobility
Lman Chu
CEO & Cofounder, BiiLabs
15:50 ~ 16:30
Enjoy the self-driving technology, embrace the driverless life
San Huang
General Manager, Kingwaytek
Dr. Daquan Xu
Executive Vice President, Bosch China
Mr. John Townsend
VP Technology, Policy, Velodyne LiDAR
Dr. Hitoshi Yoshino
Deputy Director, SoftBank
Fenix Huang
Operation Director, XING Mobility
Tomohira Steve Kan
Director, Corporate Strategy Division, Tier IV
Simon Teng
Assistant General Manager Automotive Division, MediaTek
Robert Day
Director, Automotive Solutions & Platforms, ARM
Yoram Berholtz
Director Business Development, Argus Cyber Security
Òscar Llatje i Hierro
Mobility & Road Safety Coordinator, Catalan Government
Willy Wu
GM ,Uber Taiwan
Kuen-Rong Lo
Director, Internet of Things Department Data Communications Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom
Lman Chu
CEO & Cofounder, BiiLabs
San Huang
General Manager, Kingwaytek
TICC台北國際會議中心 101會議室
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