11/15 Fri. 9:00

感謝您一直以來的支持與厚愛,使我們得以緊跟產業前沿並能持續地與各位分享最新進展與成果。我們懷著無比的榮幸向各位先進分享本集團更名的消息。我們將以Tekscend Photomask Corp.之姿隆重推出全球首發的大型公開活動「Tekscend Tech Forum」,我們有信心將不負眾望! 今年的論壇除了聚焦產業趨勢外,還將深入探討當前最受關注的熱門話題,為業界精英提供交流和啟發的平台。此外,我們特別邀請多位海外技術專家,現場將為各位嘉賓提供專業的光罩技術諮詢服務,助您掌握關鍵技術脈動。

Thank you for your continued support and affection, which has allowed us to stay at the forefront of the industry and continuously share the latest developments and achievements with you. We are extremely honored to announce the renaming of our group. We will proudly launch a global debut event 「Tekscend Tech Forum」under the name “Tekscend Photomask Corp.” , and we are confident that we will live up to expectations!
This year’s forum will not only focus on industry trends but also delve into the most talked-about topics of the moment, providing a platform for industry elites to exchange ideas and gain inspiration. Additionally, we have invited several overseas technical experts to offer professional photomask technology consultation services on-site, helping you grasp the pulse of key technologies.

此活動僅供Tekscend Photomask相關客戶及受邀廠商參加This event is for Tekscend Photomask customers and invited individuals (parties) only.
如有相關報名問題,請洽以下聯絡人If you would like to register in the event, please contact the following persons.
03-3643300 #21603
周小姐 (Sherry)
03-3643300 #20505
李小姐 (Amy)
09:00 (5min)
Stream Video
09:05 (10min)
Introduction to Tekscend Tech Forum
Andrew Liu
Executive Officer and Deputy CFO Tekscend Photomask Corp.
Tekscend Photomask Chunghwa Inc.
09:15 (10min)
Strategy of Tekscend Photomask
Michael G. Hadsell
Executive Officer and COO
Tekscend Photomask Corp.
09:25 (40min)
Morning Keynote
Semiconductor & AI Marching to Tera-Scale Integration & Computing
Nicky Lu Ph.D.
Chairman and CEO
Etron Technology, Inc.
10:05 - 10:30
Tea Break (25min)
10:30 (30min)
Development of Advanced EUV Mask Absorbers
Yu Hasegawa
Researcher, Research and Development
Tekscend Photomask Corp.
11:00 (30min)
Strategy and Technical Approach for Advanced EUV and Curvilinear Technology
Kazuki Nakamura
Supervisor, Global Technology Development
Tekscend Photomask Corp.
11:30 - 13:00
Lunch Break (90min)
13:00 (5min)
Stream Video
13:05 (40min)
Afternoon Keynote
Lithography and Bonding Equipment Market and Technology Trends
Hiroshi Yamamoto
Representative Director, EV Group Japan K.K.
Cindy Lee
Global Technology Development Manager
EV Group Taiwan Ltd.
13:45 (30min)
Advanced Master Mold Technology and Future Plan
Masashi Uchiyama
Engineer, Global Technology Development
Tekscend Photomask Corp.
14:15 - 14:45
Tea Break and Q&A Session for Tekscend Photomask Presenters (30min)
14:45 (30min)
Tekscend Photomask’s Support Plan for High Growth and Equipment Renewal
Les Dahl
Director of Marketing
Tekscend Photomask US Inc.
15:15 (30min)
Compatible and Flexible PORs to Enhance Stable Mask Supply
Shinji Akima
VP of Advanced Photomask Technology Support
Tekscend Photomask Chunghwa Inc.
15:45 (10min)
Lucky Draw and Closing Remarks
Teruo Ninomiya
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tekscend Photomask Corp.
新竹國賓大飯店 10F
30060 新竹市東區中華路二段188號
11/15 Fri. 9:00~16:05(08:30 開始報到)
  1. 本活動報名截止日為11月8日(五)。主辦單位將視報名狀況提前或延後線上報名時間。若報名者不克參加,可指派其他人選參加並通知主辦單位。
  2. 本活動採預先線上報名並完成登錄手續,請勿偽造他人身份資料進行報名以免觸犯法律,主辦單位保留報名資格之最後審核權利。
  3. 通過審核者,系統將於活動前一天以電子郵件方式寄發含有報到編號/QR Code的「報到通知」至您的電子信箱,以示您的出席資格,未通過審核者,亦會收到一封婉拒通知信。若您未收到任何通知信件,請上網站查詢。
  4. 活動當日,請攜帶含有報到編號/QR Code的「報到通知」至活動現場完成報到手續。
  5. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留研討會內容及講師之變更權利。
  6. 我們當日將會提供免費停車
    a.館內 - 國賓大飯店地下室 (QR code線上系統折抵)
    b.館外 - 國賓大飯店指定停車場 (請於國賓大飯店一樓服務中心領取)