Winbond Electronics Corporation
華邦電子為全球半導體記憶體解決方案領導廠商,主要業務包含產品設計、技術研發、晶圓製造、行銷及售後服務,致力於提供客戶全方位的利基型記憶體解決方案。華邦電子產品包含利基型動態隨機存取記憶體、行動記憶體、編碼型快閃記憶體和TrustME® 安全快閃記憶體,廣泛應用在通訊、消費性電子、工業用以及車用電子、電腦周邊等領域。華邦總部位於台灣中部科學園區,在美國、日本、以色列、中國大陸、香港、德國等地均設有子公司及服務據點。華邦在中科設有一座12吋晶圓廠,目前並於南科高雄園區興建新廠,未來將持續導入自行開發之製程技術,提供合作夥伴高品質的記憶體產品。
Winbond Electronics Corporation is a leading global supplier of semiconductor memory solutions. The Company provides customer-driven memory solutions backed by the expert capabilities of product design, R&D, manufacturing, and sales services. Winbond's product portfolio, consisting of Specialty DRAM, Mobile DRAM, Code Storage Flash, and TrustME® Secure Flash, is widely used by tier-1 customers in communication, consumer electronics, automotive and industrial, and computer peripheral markets. Winbond is headquartered in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP), and it has subsidiaries in the USA, Japan, Israel, China, Hong Kong, and Germany. Based on Taichung and new Kaohsiung 12-inch fabs in Taiwan, Winbond keeps pace to develop in-house technologies to provide high-quality memory IC products.