Global Deployment in Enchanting Binh Duong:
The Ideal Investment Destination

Binh Duong, with its collection of advantages in geography, talent, industry, and policies, stands as an excellent location for establishing factories. It is poised to offer enterprises a favorable environment, facilitating their development and expansion.

Geographic Location

Binh Duong enjoys a superior geographical location, close to major port cities and economic centers. This proximity facilitates the transportation of raw materials and finished products, favoring supply chain establishment.

Government Policy Support

With the active support from Vietnam's local government, businesses can be established and operated by offering tax incentives and other reward measures to attract more investments and factory setups.

Talent Advantage

Binh Duong boasts abundant labor resources, including highly skilled workers and professionals, contributing to enhanced productivity and technological proficiency.

Industrial Cluster

Binh Duong has already developed several industrial clusters, particularly in the manufacturing and high-tech sectors, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among enterprises.

About Our Industrial Park

2.8 Million

With a total population of 2.8 million, the working-age population accounting for 75.6%.


The industrial powerhouse that attracts foreign direct investment (FDI)


Infrastructure development in Vietnam


Binh Duong Smart City – Global Intelligent Communities named by the Intelligent Communities Forum (ICF) in 2023


Vietnam's PCI Index Ranking

WTC Binh Duong New City

A member of the World Trade Center Association.

Land Area

2,695 square kilometers

  • 8 Universities
  • 6 Colleges
  • 32 Vocational Schools

Country Ranking in 2022




Foreign Investment Attractiveness

Foreign Investment Attractiveness


Binh Duong Smart City

Binh Duong Smart City


Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

In 2019, the Binh Duong region recorded an impressive 9.5% growth rate in Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP).
Additionally, Binh Duong's per capita GDP is 2.35 times higher than Vietnam's per capita GDP.

Industrial Parks

TOP Star


29 Industrial Zones

Total area:
12,700 hectares

18 Manufacturing Zones

Total area:
1,000 hectares

Foreign Investment Attractiveness

TOP Star

Country Ranking

Total registered
foreign investment:

USD 40 billion

4,059 projects

From 65 countries
and regions


USD 32.8 billion

12% growth rate

Accounts for 10% of the Total National Export

Industrial Manufacturing

10% Industrial Production Index

Accounts for 12% of the National Industrial Production

The Core of the Southern Vietnam Key Economic Region

The Core of the Southern Vietnam Key Economic Region

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