
時間 Time 議程 Agenda 講師 Speaker
08:30-09:00 報到 Registration
09:00-09:20 貴賓致詞
Opening Remarks
交通部 吳盟分常務次長
Wu, Men-Feng, Administrative Deputy Minister,
Ministry of Transportation and Communications
台灣智慧航空城產業聯盟 蔡力行會長
Rick L. Tsai, President,
Taiwan Intelligent Aerotropolis Association
09:20-10:00 以IT為核心的服務型機場:機場在智慧時代的人流與物流
Service Airport with Focus on IT: Airport Passengers and Cargo Traffic in the Era of Intelligence
桃園機場公司 費鴻鈞總經理
Fei, Hourng-Jiun, CEO,
Taoyuan Airport Corporation
10:00-10:40 桃園機場第三期航站與智慧航空城總體規劃
Master plan of Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 3 and Intelligent Aerotropolis
Joeri Nicholas Aulman,
Region Manager
10:40-11:00 茶敘 Break
11:00-11:40 達拉斯機場的智慧應用與轉運功能:桃園機場與達拉斯機場的戰略互補
The Smart Application and Transfer Function in Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport:The Strategic Complements between Taoyuan Int’l Airport and Dallas/Fort Worth Int’l Airport
達拉斯沃思堡國際機場董事會 曹明宗董事
William Tsao, Board Member
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
11:40-12:30 高峰座談Panel Discussion


【Topic】From Air Traffic Hub to
      Logistics Center
.How can intelligent aerotropolis
 facilitate Taiwan’s logistics industry?
.Government policies, such as
 free trade zone
.What intelligent technology
 applications can help Intelligent
 aerotropolis develop
 logistics services?
.Case studies on logistics
 development at other
 international airports
 Colley Hwang, President,
.大聯大控股 黃偉祥董事長
 Simon Huang, Director,
 WPG Holdings
.台灣微軟 邵光華總經理
 Steven Shaw, General Manager
 Taiwan Microsoft
.英業達 王瑋首席顧問
  George Wang, Senior Adviser,
.開發科技顧問公司 劉紹樑董事長
 Lawrence S. Liu, Chairman,
 China Venture Management, Inc.
12:30-13:30 午餐 Lunch
13:30-14:10 以旅客為核心的「智慧旅遊方案」
Smart Travel Solutions for Passenger
中華航空 韓梁中資深副總經理
Han, Liang-Chung, Senior Vice President,
China Airlines Ltd.
14:10-14:50 從智慧物流看公路體系與機場運籌之連動
Intelligent Logistics - A Look at the Link between Highway System and Airport Logistics
公路總局 趙興華局長
Jaw, Shing-Hau, Director of Directorate General of Highways,
Ministry of Transportation and Communications
14:50-15:10 茶敘 Break
15:10-15:50 Focus-Connect-Grow DHL 台灣區 朱耀杰總經理
Chee Yaw-Chek, Managing Director
DHL Express Taiwan
15:50-16:30 貿易物流Big Things,航空貿易的Next
The Next stage of Air Trade:Big Things of Trade Logistics
關貿網路 張陸生副總經理
Chang,Liu-Sheng, Vice President,
Trade-Van Information Services Co.
16:30 會議結束 Adjourning

Note: English/Chinese audio translations would be available in the morning sessions. The organizer reserves the rights to alter the lineup, content, and/or other items of the agenda.

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