RIM預計推出Playbook 以7吋螢幕搭配QNX系統迎戰iPad 智慧應用 影音

RIM預計推出Playbook 以7吋螢幕搭配QNX系統迎戰iPad


Apple iPad形成全球熱賣風潮,讓PC、手機廠商無不覬覦繼平板電腦的龐大商機,繼Samsung Electronics推出採Android作業系統的Galaxy Tab平板電腦後,智慧型手機大廠RIM也緊跟著發表Playbook平板電腦,爭食平板電腦商機。

RIM在最新公開的資料中,除露出Playbook平板電腦的產品資訊外,也特地拍了一段Playbook的網路CF視頻,雖然產品推出時程和實際內容為何仍讓人摸不著頭緒,但將投入資源與Apple iPad一決勝負的氣勢相當明顯。

PlayBook會支援Adobe Flash與多工切換功能。</div>

PlayBook會支援Adobe Flash與多工切換功能。

觀察Playbook的硬體規格,會發現Playbook採取7吋面板設計,PlayBook估計將採7吋觸控螢幕、1Gz雙核心處理器並可支援Adobe Flash,可搭配藍牙及Wi-Fi令其裝置具備連網能力,但網路接取的關鍵功能,仍須搭配黑莓手機操作,整體重量估計有400公克,搭配便於進行視訊會議的雙鏡頭設計,硬體規格在近來釋出的iPad2(第二代iPad)的相關硬體資訊頗為接近,但目前不管是Playbook還是隱晦不明的iPad2,都要等到2011年才會問市。

有趣的是,繼Galaxy Tab平板電腦後,相信會有更多平板電腦將相繼整合行動電話撥打功能,這對於Apple一直未準備在iPad上提供行動電話功能的策略,是否會因為平板電腦產品大軍大多具備整合行動電話功能,而令其立場鬆動,則是值得觀察的關鍵改變。
◎Key features and specifications of the BlackBerry PlayBook include:(資料來源:RIM)
‧ 7" LCD, 1,024 x 600, WSVGA, capacitive touch screen with full multi-touch and gesture support
‧ BlackBerry Tablet OS with support for symmetric multiprocessing
‧ 1 GHz dual-core processor
‧ 1 GB RAM
‧ Dual HD cameras (3 MP front facing, 5 MP rear facing), supports 1080p HD video recording 
‧ Video playback: 1080p HD Video, H.264, MPEG, DivX, WMV
‧ Audio playback: MP3, AAC, WMA
‧ HDMI video output
‧ Wi-Fi - 802.11 a/b/g/n
‧ Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
‧ Connectors: microHDMI, microUSB, charging contacts
‧ Open, flexible application platform with support for WebKit/HTML-5, Adobe Flash Player 10.1, Adobe Mobile AIR, Adobe Reader, POSIX, OpenGL, Java
‧ Ultra thin and portable:
o Measures 5.1"x7.6"x0.4" (130mm x 193mm x 10mm)
o Weighs less than a pound (approximately 0.9 lb or 400g)
‧ Additional features and specifications of the BlackBerry PlayBook will be shared on or before the date this product is launched in retail outlets.
‧ RIM intends to also offer 3G and 4G models in the future.

http://www.youtube.com/v/eAaez_4m9mQ?fs=1&;hl=zh_TW">http://www.youtube.com/v/eAaez_4m9mQ?fs=1&;hl=zh_TW" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385">
